Monday, July 30, 2012

Belgium & London & Bath & Plymouth





 Katie's pics
 Our Eurostar meal (when I booked it, the standard *premier* seats were cheaper, so we got food :) )
 Belgium is famous for beer, here we had Kriek, or cherry beer

 I didn't like this beer.
 He looks like a doll...
 My pics again. This is the old wall to Bath
 The crescent

 @ the fashion museum

 The roman baths
 Plymouth. If I can't rotate these I might delete them. This is where the mayflower set sail
 old Elizabethian house
 Again, where the Mayflower set sail

 He didn't jump, but his friend did.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Be Prepared!

Belgium (Brussels, Brugge and more!), Bath, and Plymouth pics to come!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


We went to the quay (pronounced 'Key') to watch Taiko drums and have some afternoon tea. 
 Pedestrian Subway.

 Where we had out afternoon tea.